Saturday, October 3, 2015

Thursthreads- Honourable Mention Week187- Wedding

I received an Honourable mention for this story. from #ThursThreads week 187



“Hurry now, dear,” my mother said fussing with and smoothing out my wedding attire.
“Why?” I asked glumly.
“We’re already late. The ceremony starts soon,” my mother replied.

I hated this tradition and had vowed to never get trapped in a loveless arranged marriage, but here I was being led to the slaughter.  My father had recently died and there were many debts. Yesterday my family announced to me that I would marry today, I wanted to know the name of my spouse, meet them, but that was denied to me. Heartbroken that I would be denied my true love I accepted my fate.
So here I was meeting my spouse at the altar. I turned to my soon-to-be spouse; we said our vows and the veil was lifted. I couldn’t contain my surprise. My spouse was none other than my true love, Gisele.
“Frederick?” she blurted.
I kissed her passionately thanking the gods who had allowed us to be together.
Later meeting my uncle at the reception I asked him how he had chosen Giselle. “Frederick, I was denied my true love because of family honour could I allow you to suffer the same fate?”

I thanked him profusely and vowed that my children would choose their own mates. I have great grandchildren now and they are all happily married. Giselle and I are celebrate our sixtieth anniversary may you be so truly blessed.

©Sheilagh Lee October 1, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Honourable Mention Thursthreads- Bluebell Thursday August 20, 2015


   For a few plates of food Bluebell the feral kitten entered my heart saving me from a humdrum life. Bluebell disliked my husband and clawed him often... the smart cat, for my husband soon left me for my best friend. Bluebell celebrated with me and then comforted me when my husband and best friend tragically died from faulty brakes.

   Grief for my dead cat, Bluebell had laid me low. I had decided to end it all and join her. People had said silly things to me like they deserved to die, they’re only animals or what did you expect? They don’t live long! I still expected Bluebell to greet me at the door, purring around my feet and talking to me in her high-pitched meows; which only made the grief worse.

  Continuing walking towards the pier that I planned to jump from; I heard high-pitched meows, I followed the sound and there in front of my stunned eyes was a kitten that looked like Bluebell. I bent down to pick it up and it scratched me. I smiled, for so had Bluebell when we met. Taking it to the vet, I was stunned to find out that vet believed it related to Bluebell. I named him Beau and kept him. I will always miss Bluebell, but Bluebell had saved my life yet again by directing me to Beau. Beau greets me every night now when I get home from work and I am happy again.  I have family again.
©Sheilagh Lee August 19, 2015

Sunday, May 24, 2015

#Flashmob winning story- Never a dull moment

I won #Flashmob writes for Friday May 22 here is my story


 Never a dull moment 

“I had a date,” I whined as I met Doctor Franklin Brackenridge, my boss.
“You’re on call twenty-four seven.”
“I should quit,” I protested.
I walked in and saw him sitting cross-legged on the floor reading a book.
“Good evening, Sheryl. They called you huh?”
“Sir, I can’t believe you’re reading Bukowski in your underwear, again!”
“When the world is cold and dark and the light begins to fade; to be youthful again and follow your path you must breathe. Then you can find your way.”
“Thank you Pablo Neruda, but I don’t think that means you should wear no pants.”
 “Sorry the captain is out to lunch. I have a tough job you know.”
“No one disputes that, sir, but we don’t want the sailors to take over the ship.”
“Ha ha, I knew you secretly read Bukowski. Will you come with me to this shindig, Sheryl?”
“Yes, if you want me to,” I answered. I mean if the president of the United States asks you to accompany him you do it. Right?
“The dress I want you to wear is in your room,” he continued.
The man grieved and my job was to see him through this term and to help his mental state so he would be elected again.  Bukowski was the link to his late wife, also named Sheryl. I had been hired to nurse her, many doctors tried to keep her alive but she succumbed. All the public knew as that his wife was ill; no one knew she was dead. He hadn’t wanted to tell anyone so close to the election, but the strain of his grief had taken its toll, these incidences were happening more frequently. It became harder as he started to fixate on me.
I turned to live the room and go put on the dress and overheard my boss on his cell phone in the corridor.
“Yes, she’s in there. We told him, how she talked about a date.”
The president knew about my date? How did he find out? Duh, he’s the president. I put on my dress and went back in. He was dressed.
“Let’s go Sheryl,” he said taking my arm, “Now you remember you have to pretend to be my wife.”
“I remember the drill,” I answered.
The night was over and he brought me back to the White House since it was late I went to my designated room.
I heard the president talking to my boss outside my room, “Do you think Sheryl will ever remember Doctor Brackenridge? She was so lovely tonight almost herself at the dinner.”
“I’m sorry Mr. President, we just don’t know.”
“It’s my fault; if she hadn’t stepped in front of me...”
“Then you’d be dead.”
Who were they talking about? I decided I didn’t care I was tired and my head hurt, time to sleep. I woke up this morning starting my nursing career again, as I found him again in his underwear reading Bukowski. Never a dull moment.
 ©Sheilagh Lee  May 22, 2015