Friday, February 24, 2017

ThursThreads Story Winner Week 255- Mommy

Week 255


       My mother opened the small space at the back of the closet and I slid through then she slid it shut. Whenever my mother’s male friend came I was consigned to the secret room a small space with no windows, barely 5 by 6 feet. It held a battery powered candle, a bucket, an air mattress, a pillow, and a blanket. Laying down I fell asleep. Anger filled me as I heard voices and laughter. In the morning I expected the knock; but no sound came. I tried to slide the wall back myself and exit but it would not budge this time. Time went by and I fell asleep again; but still mother did not come. Hearing voices in the other room, I began to shout and cry hoping someone would rescue me. The wall opened and I squirmed out into the surprised arms of a policeman.
I ran to mommy.

    “I’m sorry young man. Your mother’s gone,” the policeman insisted pulling me away from my mother’s and her lover’s body.

Years have passed and still they have no discovered my mother and her lover’s killer and this hospital is cold. I didn’t understand then what I do now, that the man hadn’t hurt you.  I have controlled my anger better since then. Please forgive me mommy, I am a good boy now, mommy. I will never kill again I cry, but you don’t answer. Why don’t you answer? I need you to do this. Please come back mommy.
 ©Sheilagh Lee February 23 ,2016

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